2016 Update: I care more about this blog than I do that "they" can read it, otherwise I'd stop writing it and create a new one. As long as they finally leave me and my little family alone, there should be no problem, even though I requested that they don't read it. Since they have no interest in my writing, I'm probably safe. I hope so hard they will finally respect our wishes of no contact. I care so much about telling the truth and bringing healing. I fought my entire life to bring communication, truth, and healing to my FOO. There's nothing left to fight for so I have given up, at age 59. I can now only bring healing to myself and other survivors through my words. I finally went back to work on my heart-wrenching memoir that I wrote in 2012 that I originally wrote for them as my last Hope of getting my beloved family of origin and relatives back. But, There Are None So Blind As Those Who Will Not See

Thursday, February 18, 2016

In A Perfect Progressive World....

Bernie Sanders will be President
Elizabeth Warren will be Vice President
Elizabeth Warren will go on to be the first woman President

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Thank God I Have The Personality Of A Comedian

You gotta start thinking of  me as a comedian when you read my blog.
Not that the serious things I write aren't real, but that it always gets to come back to humor and sarcastic wit with me.

And I feel things so deeply. I feel everything so deeply.

GRATEFUL to be able to truly and finally walk away from my abusive FOO (family of origin).

But MORE Grateful that I still got the man of my dreams in my life!

OK, see, Divine Intervention happened between he and I.
I swear to GodGoddessUniverse, the universe wants us together, loves us together, shows signs of this All The Fucking Time !

We're star-crossed, and that's the impossible torturous part, but we are BACK as friends.
And HE initiated it at first, but then we almost said goodbyes in emails... until the Divine Intervention happened.

I know this is cryptic and I know you want details!

One day, my pretties, one day you shall have them.

Photo I copied off of Facebook from my friend : )

Saturday, February 13, 2016

Quick Note

I'm actually going to be OK, I can feel it.

And it works for me to tell my truth and to be so open and honest. It's healing.

My broken heart will heal a little bit more, and a little bit more, and a little bit more
As time passes.

On both counts:  Walking away from the man, and walking away from the FOO!
For very different reasons; the FOO is abusive, the man isn't.
I want them all back, but it's just not possible.

And I'm grateful that we are given periods of respite from deep pain and suffering during grieving.

Friday, February 12, 2016

My FOO+ (family of origin and relatives) Is An Orchestra



We all tend to believe, "What doesn't kill you makes you stronger."
Wonder how old that saying is? Way old.

All I know is how much I resonate with on all levels
Why lovers, since the beginning of time, kill themselves when they can't be together
Or, even if it's just one of the two that does that

I Totally Get It
Romantic Love
And I say that people who think that anything about romantic love is melodramatic in a bad way have never experienced it

I'm not saying I'm going to off myself
I'm not saying I'm suicidal

If I ever was I'd call my trusted psychologist whom I haven't needed for months
I'd also turn to my husband and two young adult daughters
(He's my separated husband of a dozen years)

I'm saying I understand that kind of pain
I understand that kind of passion
I understand that kind of connection
I understand that kind of completeness
Heart, Mind, Body, Soul

It's indescribable
It's beyond my meager words


Our prospective lives have now separated even our perfect-beautiful friendship
We've already been separated as lovers for over a decade and haven't even seen each other either

He's not only my best friend and the only person on the planet who gets me, he's my sexual match (and solo pleasure factory), and he's my writer muse.
Did you hear what I said?
All at once I'm losing: My Best Friend, The Only Person On The Planet Who Gets Me, Masturbating, And My Writer Muse !

How I am supposed to live without him in my life seems an impossibility

OK, but so what!
Clearly, I said goodbye to him in an email for a reason
Clearly, it was Fate
Surely there is a Divine Reason
And that:  ALL IS WELL

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Jesus Fucking Christ I Hate Valentine's Day

Ain't nuthin but a reminder
Ain't nuthin but rubbin' it in
That I'm apart from my Star-Crossed Lover
And probably always will be

Monday, February 8, 2016

This Is Not A Good Time For Me

Writing about things always helps to make peace with discordant and unwanted emotions.

Now that it's finally coming to the end of the hardest time frame for the most painful issues in my life, I feel more open about blogging about it. After all, as a rule, I'm not a whiner or complainer. God, it would have been a drag if I posted all the self pity I've felt since mid-November! LOL.

And there it starts: Mid-November through Mid-February is a bitch on me emotionally.

Two reasons: My FOO (family of origin), and my love life.

Jesus, it's almost over!

When February 15th rolls around I'm going to feel reborn.

New Years
My Birthday
Valentines Day

All murder on a sensitive soul with the issues I mentioned.

I've made the best of it, and I've got so much love around me from my little family and my Facebook friends. Never underestimate the power and benefit of Facebook communities and friends. My life is so much richer, and I experience so much more love than I ever did prior to landing on Facebook late in life two years ago (age 57). I'm 59 now.

I've been drinking too much too often since December, but I've deemed it my Exempt Period from having to do consistent moderate drinking. That is, I just figured that one out last night! And I felt much better; more at peace, more confident, more relaxed in my body.

I know myself pretty well and I easily see myself doing better and feeling better on the magic day this month!

Thanks for letting me vent and tell my truth.

Sunday, February 7, 2016

Aaargh. My Cat Ruined My Day!

It's so rare that one of our cat brothers, Huck Finn (Tom Sawyer is his bro), asks to sleep with me, so I let him last night. 
Big mistake.
He's outta luck next time!

He disrupted my sleep so much, and because of ME/CFS, that means bye-bye to my plans for the day! (ME/CFS patients can barely function at all after a bad night's sleep.)

Now I'm in a bad mood too.
I REALLY needed to go grocery shopping and was looking forward to it; Sprouts or Whole Foods.

The night started out perfectly.
Then sometime while I was sound asleep, curled-up on my left side, Huck decided to move to my side of the bed. That of course meant that when I shifted positions and tried to sleep on my back, I had no leg room! I had to sleep diagonally on the bed. 

And no, Huck is not the type to take to being physically moved, which means he would have ended up waking me up fully. At least at this point I was half asleep enough to fall back to sleep. But his invasion of my side of the bed ended up waking me up several times in the night... ONLY to have him then wake up at 5 a.m., jump to the floor with a thud, and demand to be let out of my room! Aaargh!

It took me so long to fall back asleep after that (especially because of looking at the clock and registering what time it was. I can explain later, maybe.), that I didn't end up waking up this morning until 10:00!

DAMN! That's 2 1/2 - 3 hours late!

Guess I thought it would feel good to tell this little tale of woe!

Friday, February 5, 2016

Everything Happens For A Reason

I know I'm not nearly as bad as my friend thinks I am
But I sure am grateful for his help in my being able to take a closer look at myself
Maybe he was a little harsh on me
Maybe his reaction to me had more to do with him than with me
Maybe it's better that we take space from one another

It's All Good

Wonder if he has a clue how ill I am in the ME/CFS that I've been challenged with for 18 years?
Wonder if he has a clue what kind of a toll that takes on a soul?
Wonder if he further understands what it's like to be an orphan?
Wonder if he really believes that I'm a "Toxic person?"
If he does, then, well, I'm better off without him in my life
But I wish him only Love


Thursday, February 4, 2016

My Friend Has Chosen To Block Me On Facebook

He did it before I could send him this pm:

Thank You For The Wake Up Call! OMG, did you make me THINK. I asked my daughters, in their young 20s, if they thought I was a Toxic person, and they said no. And I'm grateful because I ALWAYS tried to protect them from my dark side, and I was successful. But when I asked Richard, over the phone, if he thought I was a Toxic person? He PAUSED (!) He Had To Think About It! Then he said, "In what way?" All I could do at the time was hang up.

Let me tell you, I went to bed last night thinking very hard on this subject. And let me tell you, I withdrew in my bed until 1 pm today, hiding, because I felt so bad about being a Toxic person. But when I woke up, I Woke Up!

YES, sometimes when I drink too much I become a Toxic person. I swear to Jesus I didn't know. I couldn't see.

You have Helped Me So Much to get my act together, and I know I shall! xo. Thank You So Very Much.

Please stick around and witness my further growth! *I* Am one of the most Nourishing, Loving, Giving, Healing people on the planet. :D As Are YOU

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

An Open Letter Of Apology To A Dear-To-Me Friend

My Dear Friend ~

   I am so, so sorry I hurt your feelings last night. I truly did not mean to. I was genuinely trying to engage in loving, playful banter that in my mind was innocent; even the subject matter. Honestly! I'm definitely in the camp of outrageous, controversial sarcastic-wit folks. But I never ever thought anything negative about you or your anatomy in any way. And I am still shocked that people in general are still so sensitive about certain things in this day and age.

   As if I'm not sensitive about things though! I was simply thoughtless and careless and rather stupid and insensitive, and it was entirely unintended! Too much booze and pot.

   It's no wonder my type of man is a cop (or retired cop)! These kinds of problems would never come up for us, being that we are immune to being hurt in any way by each other's banter! I keep forgetting that not everyone gets my personality!

  Oh God, I hope and pray that you will forgive me, my friend! I love and respect you so much!

              Sincerely, Judy

IMPORTANT: Nobody but you knows who I'm talking to, and nobody but you knows the subject matter, and nobody but you ever shall! 

Monday, February 1, 2016

I Have To Tell You, It Was The Best 59th Birthday Weekend I Ever Had! ;)

I don't write much on this blog, and my other blog has become more significant and timely for me. : )

My birthday weekend was awesome; with mixed emotions; which is always fine. "The Messy Middle" as SARK says! : )

But, oh my goodness, the play the four of us saw last night, on my birthday day, was perfect for me. I didn't even know until I woke up this morning after a lovely night's sleep with sweet dreams, that the play was about how pedophilia kills!!! It finally all came together in my mind; the subtle messages; the real meaning of the play:

At the Cygnet Theatre in Old Town, San Diego.

I'm in utter awe.

I cried and cried and cried this morning.

You know why.

More Healing Tears.