I look horrible in my clothes. It really gets me down. I look disgusting naked. It kills me.
No matter what foods I cut-out or how long I limit calories, I remain fat.
I don't want to be fat. I don't like myself fat because it's not who I am.
I'm all about health and healing don'tcha know.
I don't know how to make peace with and love my fatness that is caused by illnesses.
I want to feel pretty in my clothes.
I want the outer me to reflect the inner me. The inner me is beyond words Wonderful and getting Wonderfuller.
I will never find love as long as I'm FAT.
I'm doomed to be alone and fat for the rest of my life?
How do I live with that?
I want to learn how to love my fatness and my body as it is. I want to surrender. I want to embrace myself the way I am. Not just some of the time as I do, but all the time. I'm sick and tired of feeling bad about my looks. I really am.
My health IS healing. WHY isn't my fat melting off in the process??
20 EXTRA POUNDS IS A LOT ON ME! I need to throw out all my short-sleeve shirts!!!
I need a Fairy Godmother to make me fit and trim...
You know who has the perfect body? Kate Winslet. She's womanly and not skinny and not fat.
Then there are amazing women thinkers and leaders and teachers like Jean Houston who is my size and seems completely at peace with her body; seems to adore her body and self.