2016 Update: I care more about this blog than I do that "they" can read it, otherwise I'd stop writing it and create a new one. As long as they finally leave me and my little family alone, there should be no problem, even though I requested that they don't read it. Since they have no interest in my writing, I'm probably safe. I hope so hard they will finally respect our wishes of no contact. I care so much about telling the truth and bringing healing. I fought my entire life to bring communication, truth, and healing to my FOO. There's nothing left to fight for so I have given up, at age 59. I can now only bring healing to myself and other survivors through my words. I finally went back to work on my heart-wrenching memoir that I wrote in 2012 that I originally wrote for them as my last Hope of getting my beloved family of origin and relatives back. But, There Are None So Blind As Those Who Will Not See

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Candida! Who knew?

Almost everyone has it, and most don't know. Forget about drugs and especially forget about the so-called candida diet. Go here: www.candidasupport.org, and also here: www.candidafree.com. Especially the first one; it's a good place to start. Take the free quick tests, read up at the website. I'm taking Threelac now, and already feel better. After I cure my candida and thrush, I'm moving to the next step:

Equilibrant to kill the enterovirus-caused CFS!  Per Dr. John Chia in Torrance, California. He cured his son of CFS. His long-time work and research confirms that CFS is caused by enteroviruses.

I believe it. I'm grateful to have the truth after nearly 16 years suffering with CFS. It's NOT an autoimmune disease. Google him! Watch his YouTube interviews with... I forget his name; he's with CO-CURE.